Hi! 👋 I’m Upanshu (oo-pahn-shoe), I’m a 4th year B.S. student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) studying Computer Science. I am most comfortable with:
- Python (Pytorch, Numpy, and other Data Processing libraries)
- Game Development Engines (Unreal Engine 5)
- HTML / JavaScript / TypeScript (React.js, Next.js, D3.js)
- CSS / Tailwind / LESS
- Unix / Linux Machines
- C / C++
I have experience with:
- Containerization and Virtualization (Docker, QEMU, Virtual Machines)
- SQL / Databases
- Cloud Infrastructure (GCP / Oracle Cloud)
- Java
My personal interests include 🏎 Formula 1, 🔠astronomy, 👾 videogames, and 🏋🏽‍♂️ weightlifting. Feel free to bring these up in conversation if we have any shared interests!